[Amps] Nice freebie

Patrick Barthelow apolloeme at live.com
Tue Aug 17 16:56:47 PDT 2010

I think if you google on line calculators, you can find and down load RPN or Algebraic calculators  for free.
I seem to recall quite a few, even full Scientific calcs.... 
Incredible, since I remember the HP-35, first 
scientific   at a  miracle of  $400.  (1972 Dollars, That was 2 months rent for a 2 Bedroom off-campus,  College Apartment) .     When we saw the "gotta have, HP 35"  we jokingly went WAY out on a Limb predicting the future, and said at the time, that "You know, some day, these will be at your stationary store  for $20 bucks or less."  Naaaaaawww  No WAY!   hi hi.
the RPN was strange at first but really good, once you got used to it.

Best Regards,   
73, de Pat Barthelow AA6EG  apolloeme at live.com 

      MOONBOUNCE                                 YURI'S NIGHT

> From: dpsalas at tx.rr.com
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Date: Tue, 17 Aug 2010 18:40:50 -0500
> Subject: [Amps] Nice freebie
> Darn - It is algebraic. I use reverse Polish!!
> Phil - AD5X 		 	   		  

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