[Amps] triode or tetrode

Jim Hoge knowkode at verizon.net
Thu Aug 26 06:33:06 PDT 2010

I am kicking around the idea of a new amp ( I want 160m capability which my 
current amp doesn't have) and have a few questions for the gurus and those that 
have theses beasts. Am I better off with a triode or tetrode based amp? Does it 
really matter? How about a one or a two holer amp? How much headroom should I 
look for in a legal limit amp? Some designs are nearly at the limit of the 
tube(s). How about auto tune capability? Do the amps that have this feature find 
the best match or will an override/manual tune do a better job? Any other 
tidbits of wisdom? 

Jim W5QM

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