[Amps] 5CX1500 socket ( changed subject )

Roger (K8RI) sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Wed Dec 15 15:59:06 PST 2010

On 12/15/2010 12:29 PM, donroden at hiwaay.net wrote:
> Quoting Sam Carpenter<sam at owenscommunication.com>:
>> I think the socket you need is: SK840. I think these trade on ebay
>> frequently.
> As expensive as the 5CX1500 is, I'd spend an extra hundred to use the
> right socket. These tubes tabs don't mount to a chassis easily.
The screen is not a tab, but a larger diameter ring above the tabs.
IF and I emphasize the IF, the tab spacing is the same as it is on the 
4CX-1000 and 4CX1500B (I believe it is) then the hole in the chassis 
only needs be large enough to clear the tabs, and the socket mounted on 
stand offs long enough for the suppressor ring to mount flat on the 
chassis. The tube would set a "little lower" but should not be difficult 
to remove/replace.   IOW the socket is sub mounted. This would then 
require holes in the chassis similar to (but smaller than) the mounts 
you see for the YC-156 on e-bay.

As for stability "I'd think" the Pentode would be a bit more stable than 
a Tetrode, BUT they are both high gain tubes so would be far more 
susceptible to feedback than a Triode in GG.

OTOH I've seen 5CX1500s "with sockets" go for less than the price of the 
socket on e-bay and it's far simpler if you have the SK840 socket which 
is the listed air system socket for the 5CX-1500 rather than having to 
adapt a Tetrode socket.

If you are not in a big hurry I'd put the SK840, SK-840, 5CX1500, 
5CX-1500 in the "Saved Searches" and watch for one
There is a 5CX1500A RF deck (Item 270678399402) on there now with a bit 
over two days left. with a price of $299USD, but I don't think he ships 
overseas.  OTOH his feedback rating is a tad low.  However this is 
probably representative of what's out there.

73 and good luck,

Roger (K8RI)
> Don W4DNR
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