[Amps] Fan for SB220

Adrian vk4tux at bigpond.com
Sat Dec 18 22:49:03 PST 2010

Your obviously confused between LIGHT and HEAT, read up on it a little
before making such a silly statement.


Well with 25 years in the HVAC industry and my current university work 
environment where heat transfer is my career,
you would think I may have learnt something, Light actually contains an 
infra red element, that's why the days are usually warmer than nights 
and you will find that light/radiated heat radiation properties reside 
in the same family of radiation spectrum.

What did you read Mike, did you find the wavelength of black radiated heat?

The real problem here is that you were too silly to understand the 
difference between radiated heat transfer and convection heat transfer.

Adrian ... vk4tux.

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