[Amps] Fan for SB220

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Sat Dec 18 23:34:48 PST 2010

Quoting Ken Brown <ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net>:

> If it is just a thin piece of metal with hardly any low resistance
> thermal connection to something lower temperature, it is not going to
> absorb any heat from the tubes regardless of it's color. The
> temperatures on either side of the panel are equal (if the tubes are at
> the same temperature) so there is no heat flow.

On the contrary..... the black shield absorbs radiation from the tubes.
The air flow across the black shield removes the heat.  The more  
square inches of absorption material, the better.  The Heath fan  
"needs" to pull air out of the back instead of pushing the tube heat  
into the enclosure, but that's another future project.


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