[Amps] Henry 3000D Six meter conversion

K1SG at aol.com K1SG at aol.com
Mon Dec 20 07:52:41 PST 2010

A number of folks on this reflector are in progress of converting the Henry 
 2000D/3000D commercial amplifiers to 6 meters.  There is a wonderful show  
and tell on this subject on W7GJ's website 
(http://www.bigskyspaces.com/w7gj/6mHenry3CX3000A7.htm)    and I suspect many have already 
started the project.  I've been making slow  progress on mine, but expect to get 
it finished in the fullness of time.  
My current hang up has been with obtaining and machining the parts needed  
for the output tuning coil, particularly the slug tuning arrangement.  
I've found a friend willing to do the hard parts (the machining itself) for 
 me.  Would there be enough interest to do a group buy on the copper, brass 
 and PVC pieces for this?  It makes sense to do more than one if we're 
going  to do it at all.
If you have a 3000D sitting on your bench waiting for conversion to 6  
meters, wondering about the  construction of the tunable output coil, and  would 
be interested in sourcing the machined parts for it, please contact me  
Thanks very much (and a tip of the hat to Lance!)
Steve  Gilbert
_K1SG at AOL.com_ (mailto:K1SG at AOL.com) 

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