[Amps] Harris RF110

Paul Decker kg7hf at comcast.net
Tue Dec 21 14:20:51 PST 2010

My memory might be getting a little "haze gray" now, but I seem to remember we regularly pushed much more than 1kw output with our 3924s'.   I seem to remember sometimes doing 2 or 3k.  Of course these were for very short burst transmissions.    On the other hand, I also seem to remember the 3924 as being rated for 1kw output in any mode,, no time limit, even AM and FSK . 

Paul, kg7hf 

uss georgia (ssbn-729 g) 

uss barbey (ff-1078) 

uss long beach (cgn-9) 

Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 10:24:01 -0500 
From: "Edward Gable" < EGABLE @Rochester. rr .com> 
Subject: Re: [Amps] Harris RF110 and RF130 Amplifiers 
To: "Peter Hansen" <oz1lpr@ hotmail .com>,        <amps at contesting.com> 
Message-ID: <001101cba124$bdecd2e0$6401a8c0 at D3ZRTF31> 
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset ="iso-8859-1"; 

Hello Peter:  Yes, I'm still in contact with amateurs that are still using 
the RF-110 (AM-3924) and variations.  The weak link for amateurs is the 19 
band switching output network.  It works fine at 1 kW output, but most 
amateurs want to use the power available from the pair of 4CX1500B's to run 
much more RF output.  The tank switch and tune/load fixed capacitors are 
pretty much at their limit at 1 kW and can get unhappy at higher power.  The 
tank is broadband, 2 mHz wide per band at the higher frequencies and can and 
should be returned for much better efficiency inside a narrower ham band. 
The two 8122's and two 4CX1500B's are often worth more than what a lot of 
folks pay for the amps surplus.  Good luck with your project.  Let me know 
how you make out.  I have a lot of fond, and some less than fond, memories 
on that long and successful product line for Harris/RF. 

Ed Gable  K2MP 
p/o original RF-110 design team at Harris/RF Communications 

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