[Amps] Cracked Chimney

Wayne Rogers n1wr at chesapeake.net
Fri Dec 24 06:27:11 PST 2010

I have managed to put a crack in my chimney (SK-506 for 4-1000 etc).  The 
crack is such that I am afraid that even the pressure from the metal clips 
will cause a large piece of the glass to break off.

Has anyone had any luck either repairing such a crack or having a glass 
repair firm do it?  I have looked around for some such repair service, but 
have not had any luck.  I was hoping to find someone that repairs antique 
glass.  I would think that in the right hands the glass could be heated and 

As these chimneys are getting scarce I'd like to repair this one - but I'm 
probably looking at a cost equal or greater than what I can pay for a 
replacement.  Any thoughts?

Merry Christmas to all.
Wayne N1WR 

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