[Amps] Fleamarkets

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Tue Feb 2 19:08:23 PST 2010

Carl wrote:
> I wish we had those fleamarkets in this area Jim.
> There may be a few but the time and aggravation to get there and find pure 
> garbage isnt worth getting up at 4AM.
> The BIG one in New England is the spring and fall Nearfest which draws parts 
> scroungers from all over the Northeast down to the DC area and nearby 
> Canada. Its 2 full days, sleep on site if you want as its held in a huge 
> state fairgrounds.
When the company I worked for had me out to Philadelphia for some 
computer control school, I discovered a two day swap that took up two 
complete, side by side,  drive in theaters. I remember it was near 
Willow Grove.  I saw many things that I would have purchased and brought 
home except not much of it would have fit under my seat.

As it was, the 5/8 mag mount wound up in my suitcase along with the 
transceiver and cables, caused some raised eyebrows. Fortunately they 
accepted my explanation and didn't dismantle, soak in water, or blow up 
my luggage.
> Bring your booze and party all night to one of the ham musicians if so 
> inclined. Im well past that stage and since Im only a 45 minute drive away I 
> get my beauty rest....and a chance to unload the days pickins'.
> I'll usually spend $1000-1500 and recoup that in 2 weeks on fleabay and wind 
> up with what I wanted for free.
There just ain't no justice.<:-))


Roger (K8RI)
> Carl
> KM1H
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jim Thomson" <Jim.thom at telus.net>
> To: <amps at contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 4:28 AM
> Subject: [Amps] Fleamarkets
>> From: Dave White <mausoptik at btinternet.com>
>> Subject: Re: [Amps] why did Heath die?
>> What did surprise me was that when I bought a couple of large vacuum 
>> variable capacitors on the fleamarket at Dayton and was carrying them 
>> around and back to the car, I lost count of the number of guys with extra 
>> class callsign badges who asked me what they were.  Is there a message in 
>> there somewhere?
>> Dave G0OIL
>> ##  That is a sad state of affairs, to say the least.
>> ##  I attended a hamfest locally, here a few years ago with a buddy.   One 
>> old geezer had a table set up with parts galore... like box's full of 
>> groth turns counters, military  knobs  I haven't seen in years, [ 
>> identical to the furled knob on the goth]... loads of glazed ceramic stand 
>> off,  air variables etc, etc. He had no taker's...so I cleaned up there. 
>> If that had been back in 1972, he would have sold out in 2 hrs flat.
>> ##  The kicker was,  I had my Eimac  T shirt on  [7" diam Eimac logo.. 
>> like u see on the sides of old yellow Eimac box's, that had glass 
>> 3-500z's  4-1000's etc]     There was an easy 200  hams there, and not one 
>> comment  from anyone.   A  few fellows wanted to know what a turns counter 
>> was.  A buddy of mine snagged  a NIB  4CX-1500B, new socket, and new fil 
>> xfmr..dirt cheap.   Most of the hams  had never seen a tube before !   The 
>> only other thing I was asked was... 'do u monitor 34/94'.. and did I have 
>> a 440 mhz  xcvr ?   I politely told the fellow that I tossed both my new 
>> 2m hand held's into my junk box yrs ago.. along with the mating 100 w 
>> [new, still in the box] 2M amp.   95% of these folks were VHF ops.  Some 
>> had the audacity to ask  my buddy.. " why mess with HF, why not use 
>> the...internet" !
>> ##  back in the early to mid 90's.... 2m packet  was all the rage.   Once 
>> dsl /cable modems came into vogue, the 2m packet boys left ham radio en 
>> masse.   1100 hams in my town.. and just a handful on HF.  [5-8 tops]
>> later.... Jim  VE7RF
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