[Amps] Fw: Tentec Titan 425 with GU74-B????

budi santoso yb1bs at yahoo.co.id
Sat Feb 13 23:57:45 PST 2010

why GU74-B It is tetrode, you will need screen grid supply etc.
You can use 3CPX800, I got a pair medical eq. pull for 350 US$ from eBay, just plug in and still give more 1500 W output. It need more driving power but it is ok (grid current 30 mA.plate current 1000 mA for 1500 W output).

budi / yb1bs

From: Greg Chartrand <w7my at yahoo.com>
To: amps at contesting.com
Sent: Sun, February 14, 2010 4:37:41 AM
Subject: [Amps] Tentec Titan 425 with GU74-B????

I'm looking at buying a pair of GU74-B's to have on hand as spares for my Titan 425. Has anyone out there replaced the 3cx800A7's with GU74-B's??


Greg Chartrand - W7MY 

Richland, WA.


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