[Amps] HV Fuses

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Wed Feb 17 04:39:29 PST 2010

Some mentioned using a series of 250 volt fuses and I for some reason, 
cant find that post even though it was probably in the last 10...nuther 
senior moment I guess.

At any rate, this works just like a bunch of caps in series. Great until 
one of them blows. The first one that opens is likely to generate a 
multi thousand volt spike along with the resultant plasma as it's only 
designed for 250 volts, which blows another fuse, and so on with the 
resultant mess. If you use the ceramic fuses they may or may not hold 
together.  Yes it's cheaper, but I'd  just as soon get the original HV 
fuse and rebuild it/them as necessary.


Roger (K8RI)

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