[Amps] Hotswitching issues 30s-1

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at bigpond.com
Sat Feb 20 14:15:09 PST 2010

G'day Cecil

I was losing the first dit as well and so I got into the menu of my 
MKV and set the delay to to the maximum of 30mS and that cured it. 
Don't ask me the menu item as I am at my beach house and not at home 
with my MKV. That is only for CW. On SSB, you just have to be quiet 
as a mouse for those milliseconds or as someone else suggested in 
their reply, get the Heil footswitch with the dual outputs. It is 
built for that purpose.

Final solution of course is to get QSK vacuum relays. That is what I 
have done and it makes things so easy.

73 Alek.

At 11:56 PM 20/02/2010, Cecil Acuff wrote:
>Hi Folks,
>I am having a problem with my solid state rig switching to TX and outputing
>RF quicker than the amp is ready to process it.
>Since the amp cannot anticipate a PTT occurance how can this be resolved?
>It would be nice if transceiver builders would design in a programmable
>delay in acting on a PTT request till after the amp key line were asserted.
>It's a basic handshaking design much like RS-232 com.
>I have considered taking the key line to an external box that activates the
>amp key line prior to sending PTT to the rig.  Would work great for SSB but
>not sure so good for CW.
>Am I making this harder than it should be?
>My FT-1000MKIV is giving me a high SWR display because of the few
>milliseconds of no load while waiting for the open frame relay in the
>Collins to get in place. Once all is settled the reflected power is nil...
>Don't want to blow up the rig...
>Don't have this problem with my old Dentron Clipperton L...I guess it has a
>faster relay.
>Cecil Acuff
>Amps mailing list
>Amps at contesting.com
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 From sunny Binningup, Western Australia


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