[Amps] QRO vs QRP

Charles Harpole k4vud at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 20 19:01:42 PST 2010

Two GOOD reasons for high power:


1. U live in a place that, during a contest, no one turns their beams toward.

2.  U like to be DX and run pile ups simplex but have to be hrd while the Italians are still calling.

Charles Harpole k4vud at hotmail.com 



> Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 14:37:48 -0500
> From: sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
> To: Jim.thom at telus.net
> CC: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] QRO vs QRP
> Jim Thomson wrote:
> > <snip>
> >
> > Remember that power like many things is a double edge sword
> >
> > 73 and good luck,
> >
> > Roger (K8RI)
> >
> > 
> I think we are in agreement.
> Years ago we had a group that would get together on the bottom end of 75 
> phone. In the afternoons we were just far enough apart for the Northern 
> most stations to hear the Southern most we had to run power.
> When we first started up though, we mostly ran 100 watts in the 
> afternoon, but with the onset of evening we would get crowded out ...So 
> we started running power and no more problems with getting crowded out. 
> However there was no such thing as an MP3 or even personal computers in 
> those days. 
> We more or less had what amounted to a daily schedule for many years. 
> Occasionally others would check in and the group grew although IIRC 
> there were never more than about 8 or 10...probably not quite that many 
> as I can only remember 6 regulars. I remember the same problem hearing 
> the lower powered stations and I only remember one guy extolling the 
> virtues of low power and the evils of high power. 
> One night after many years of operating the same times and same 
> frequency +/- a tad some guy called in madder than a hornet and about as 
> tactful claiming we were on some net frequency. I don't think it was a 
> change in propagation as we'd been there for some many years. We could 
> not hear a sign of any one on the net and even asked if they were 
> hearing us. I think this guy had probably heard of the net and wanted 
> to listen. Being far closer to us than them he probably only heard us, 
> either that or he was one of those watchdogs that tries to keep the 
> frequency clear whether they were using it or not. At any rate we 
> moved, but I don't recall any of us ever hearing a net on that frequency.
> Basically the only way we could keep the group going was to run power 
> and in the summer time static crashes "to me" it appeared to make a much 
> larger difference that the roughly 1 1/2 S units should have accounted 
> for. OTOH s-meters being what they are...
> At least one of our old group (besides me) follows a couple of the 
> reflectors so I'm going to try to remember to ask him about that the 
> next time I see him.
> 73
> Roger (K8RI)
> > ## Our small group on 75m agreed to have all it's member's run at least 1 kw
> > output. The idea was, then everyone could hear everyone else. Then along
> > comes the odd break in from the 100 w fellows [summertime static crash's] 
> > who none of could hear very well. One of the 100 w stations broke in, and 
> > gave us all this 14 minute stinging lecture, about the evils of QRO, I why the
> > legal limit should be 100w max, blah blah. The fellow was Q1 copy, so we
> > just talked right over top of him. The normal deal, when that happens, is, we record
> > them, then send them a MP-3 file, so they know what they sound like at our end. 
> >
> > ## Then once in a while, some 3 watt pep station breaks in, [trys to] and go's
> > on and on and on about how wonderful real qrp is. The fix for this is, we all
> > switch the linears to bypass mode, then reduce the xcvr power output to say
> > 2-5 w pep. The QRP fellow immediately complains that he can't HEAR any of
> > us ! We do the same technique in summer time, with the 100w stations, we all drop to
> > 100w, then they complain , "i can't hear, can u pse turn the amp back on" 
> >
> > ## sure, ant's are great and everything, but most folks are maxed out, then what?
> > How do u get another 10 db on 160m... you can't ! If ur inverted v on 75m is up 60'
> > and that's all you can do, there is no way to get any more ant gain, ur maxed out.
> >
> > ## some will say, 'u can't work em, if you can's hear em' To that I say.." you can't work
> > em, if they can't HEAR you" Amps are great, one small box, that provides another 10-12db
> > of gain on ALL bands ! [only on TX] Ok, it doesn't work on RX... well that's the other fellow's
> > two edged sword. It's actually cheaper for both stations on a noisy 75m band to have an amp,
> > vs each station trying to figure out how to increase ant gain by 13 db .
> >
> > Just my 2 cents.
> >
> > later.... Jim VE7RF 
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