[Amps] QRO vs QRP

Rob Atkinson ranchorobbo at gmail.com
Sat Feb 20 21:39:19 PST 2010

Antenna limits and QRN are why God created ten meters : )

Actually the other thing about hearing on the low bands is not getting
more signal with big antenna but getting better S/N ratio by reducing
QRN more than the desired signal is reduced.   The nice thing about
this is a lot of low noise receive loops are small.  I don't think
they will help with reception of a 3 watt station but maybe they will
with 100 w. on a stormy night.  Sure running an amp is nice but on
receive all is not lost.  There are ways of phasing a pair of small
verticals to throw a null in a certain direction to enhance signals
from some other direction.  A lot of us have to get better at these
things because the noise sources are multiplying.  I'm also firing up
the cw rig.



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