[Amps] MK-V and opto isolator/ TX inhibit. /1000-D notes.

Alek Petkovic vk6apk at bigpond.com
Wed Feb 24 03:17:44 PST 2010

That's terrific Jim. Very well explained as well.

I will implement it and the tx inhibit with the 10k resistor etc, as 
soon at the devices arrive.

Cheers from sweltering Perth. 
Alek. VK6APK

At 06:32 PM 24/02/2010, Jim Thomson wrote:
>Date: Wed, 24 Feb 2010 17:32:18 +0800
>From: Alek Petkovic <vk6apk at bigpond.com>
>Subject: [Amps] More on the 30S1 and MP MKV
>Hey Jim, with regard to what you wrote below a few days ago, I looked
>in the radio manual and the band data jack pinout as well as the
>linear connection guff  on page 13.
>As I see it, you have the opto isolator connected to pin 1 (13.8V)
>and  pin 2 (TX Gnd) on the 8 pin Band Data Jack. This means that the
>linear control is taken out before the relay and its RCA TX Gnd jack.
>I take it that this is what you have done.
>###  YES.  That's  exactly how it works.   The TX grnd on pin 2 is NOW
>... [ a few microseconds]. OK, now u have sunk the opto isolator.
>Opto takes 100 microseconds to operate. After 100 microseconds,
>sec of opto keys the amp.
>##  The yaesu SPST mech relay is NO longer used !  It's too slow
>anyway, and has a 15 msec operate time.  You can shut it off, via
>  the slide switch.  [ it has another use, see below !]
>## The internal yaesu  switch transistor splits like a 'Y'... with one leg
>going  in and out of that slide switch, then to RCA  TX  jack.   Other leg
>of 'Y'  goes directly to PIN 8  on band data jack.
>##  presto, you just gave the relays in your amp an instant 15 msec
>head start.   For cw, or qsk cw, I'd still  set the yaesu menu delay for
>5-10 msecs... or XXX msecs.. something slightly longer than whatever
>speed ur amps vac relays operate at.
>##  OK, this is all fine for sped up vac relays in ur amp, and even if slow
>mech relays used in amp, the yaesu  MK-V  0-30 msec CW digital delay
>solves all hot switch problems. Now, what about  VOX SSB.. and used with
>slow vac relays [G2,RJ2-B/C etc ??   Even sped up, the G2/RJ2-B/C  is only
>7-9 msecs, and typ 3PDT mech relays are 15 msec !   Here's the fix.
>   http://www.qsl.net/n1eu/Yaesu/MPAcom.htm   shows the mk-v
>pin out.   I use the MK-V TX INHIBIT LEAD.   TX is inhibited when
>+13 vdc [pin 1]   is placed via a 10 k /.25 w Resistor, onto TX inhibit lead,
>[pin 8] .    You grnd pin 8 on TX, via the handy 
>dandy  TX  grnd  from rear panel
>RCA  TX JACK !!     Since that yaesu spst mech relay has a 15 msec op time, we
>now use it to apply a solid grnd to TX inhibit lead [pin 8] !!
>## End result is, on VOX sideband,  that opto keys the amp NOW, slow relays
>in amp operate in 4-15 msecs.  Meanwhile  NO  RF  out of xcvr, until AFTER 15
>msec delay, since the TX inhibit lead, gets grnded..DEAD LAST.  OK now we have
>this 15 msecs TX inhibit delay in the circuit.. all the time.  ON 
>CW.. the yaesu MK-V
>menu option [digital CW delay]  MUST be set  for at least 15 msecs.. 
>other wise
>you will truncate stuff.   This total effect is now smooth qsk CW , 
>nothing truncated,
>and   when on VOX  SSB, Ist 15 msecs gets truncated, meanwhile NO 
>and the amps slow relays  have up to 15 msec to operate.   An 
>external 0-15 msec delay
>can also be used, if < 15 msecs is desired on VOX ssb.
>## On the yaesu 1000/D,  as soon as u plug the din into the band 
>data jack,  TX inhibit
>is enabled !!  [NO RF] .  Grnd from yaesu RCA TX jack can now be 
>used to grnd the TX inhibit
>lead, [after 15 msecs] and now RF flows  from xcvr.   No 10 k and 
>+13 vdc used on the 1000/D
>inhibit setup.  Also, NO  0-30 msec CW digital delay 
>feature  available on the 1000/D !!
>Opto still used.  With SLOW  t/r relays [6-15 msecs]  no 
>hotswitching on ssb/cw... BUT  you
>WILL truncate the 1st 15 msecs.  IF fast t/r relays used [1.8  to 5 
>msec]... then don't use the
>TX inhibit scheme.
>later... Jim  VE7RF
>My ODC-15s are in the mail form far away across the sea.
>73 and thanks,
>Alek. VK6APK.
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>Amps at contesting.com


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