[Amps] EBS bi-state or tri-state ?

Jim Thomson Jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Feb 27 07:09:17 PST 2010

Apparently  Ameritron amps still use  BI-state EBS........ while Alpha .Acom, and now Emtron, all use TRI-state EBS. 

I tried a HB  BI-state EBS  scheme a long time ago,, and did not have good success on VOX  ssb. 

Qst  ran some articles  using BI state EBS in the mid 70's.   The idea was to bias the tube off  between
dots and dashes...  when  using QSK.   

Since I ran VOX ssb,  and normal idle current was low to start with on a GG amp,  I did not realize a lot of heat savings
only  more distortion, when it switched from cut off bias to normal bias.  

On CW.. I instead  just increased the bias voltage,  and lowered the idle current to just 10 ma. 

Do these TRi -state EBS  bias schemes  actually work on SSB ??   [ I use a noise gate on the audio as well.]

Will they toggle between  'pre-bias'  and normal operating bias.... between syllables... or just between words ?? 

If they toggle between  words,  I still can't see much use  for em.   My VOX delay is typ  aprx 375 msec. 

IE:  I finish talking.. then Vox drops out.    Where is this heat savings ??   [ I can see it on PTT / Footswitch  style operating,
but that's about it.]     I'm referring to VOX  SSB  here,, NOT  PTT. 

I don't even see EBS  mentioned, in any of the recent / latest ARRL handbooks. 

later..... Jim  VE7RF 


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