[Amps] New High Efficiency 3-500Z plate caps

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Fri Jul 2 08:43:21 PDT 2010

High school shop class / metal lathe / two inch aluminum bar stock /  
3/4 inch deep thin cutting tip / multiple cuts spaced same as  
thickness as tool.

You should wind up with a 2 inch diameter cap with eight to ten fins.

This can be done for under $10 .  Its harder, but a hacksaw and a wood  
working lathe can do the same thing, only much slower.

I did this more for "looks" on a 4-1000 amp in the 70s, but I'm sure  
with probably 10 times the surface area of the eimac caps, it did  
"some" good.


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