[Amps] QSK-1500 chip

kingwood k5jv at kingwoodcable.com
Wed Jul 7 12:59:05 PDT 2010

Greetings to all,

        I have located a source for the, hard to find, Motorola MC14011BCP 
chips.  The only problem is that I must order 25 of them to get the price 
anywhere with reason.

        Does anyone have an interest in these chips?  There are two of them 
in the QSK-1500.  The manufacturer marked on of the a absolutely critical 
for proper QSK timing.   If I get enough interest, I will order them and 
will sell 20 of them for $10, each, including shipping to the original 48. 
First come, first served.

73 de Lon, K5JV

Lon W. Cottingham

1110 Golden Bear Ln.
Kingwood, TX 77339

281-795-1335 Cell 

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