[Amps] Cardwell and EFJ 1000 pF HV air variable caps now listed on EBAY

Robert Groh rgroh at swbell.net
Tue Jul 20 17:44:12 PDT 2010

Cleaning up some more of the ham shack and these were on the hit list.  Both are 
1,000 pF max (50 pF minimum or thereabouts) high voltage air variables.  They 
were used as loading capacitors on the two 4-1000A amplifiers I parted out. 

Cardwell 50-1000 pF  Ebay item # 160458701688
EFJ 25 to 1000 pF  Ebay item # 160458702998

Both are very nice caps and have low starting prices so if you are interested, 
please take a look.

Bob Groh, WA2CKY

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