[Amps] Collins 30S1 linear questions

Jim W7RY w7ry at inbox.com
Mon Jul 26 17:35:11 PDT 2010

Please post your questions here and many will respond. That is what this list is for. To post questions and get answers. 

Jim W7RY 

> -----Original Message----- 
> From: n4kwpete at centurylink.net 
> Sent: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 11:09:30 -0400 
> To: amps at contesting.com 
> Subject: [Amps] Collins 30S1 linear questions 
> First, I am looking for the Collins plate current meter from the 30S1 
> linear. I am trying to match the multi meter from the 30S1 that I have. 
> If you have a manual of the 30S1 and would be willing to answer some of 
> my 
> questions on the metering circuits I would appreciate hearing from you. 
> Or 
> if you have a manual for sale please let me know. 
> Its all about a 4CX1500B linear that I am building. 
> 73 Pete N4KW 
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