[Amps] More parasitic choke questions

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Wed Jul 28 11:32:47 PDT 2010

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Thomson" <jim.thom at telus.net>
To: <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 28, 2010 11:33 AM
Subject: [Amps] More parasitic choke questions

> Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 15:11:22 +0200
> From: "DF3KV" <df3kv at t-online.de>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] More parasitic choke questions
> Why is that impossible?
> On HF the resistor is almost shorted out by the inductor.
> The power absorbed will be less then 0.5% of the desired HF with a typical
> amp.
> 73
> Peter
> ###  .5%  of  1500w =  7.5 watts  CCS..which is a bunch.     Forget the HF 
> power absorbed
> by the resistor.  The poor resistor is already being cooked by the thermal 
> heat from
> the hot anode anyway !

** A single 3-500 is putting out 600-800W so your rating is cut in half. In 
addition I disagree with the .5% as its more like .1 to .2% with the typical 
SB-220 type suppressor otherwise they would have lasted up to 40 or so 

  I noticed the 10 x 1 meg  2 watt  CARBON HV multiplier
> resistor's  on one of my old B+ supplies from the 70's  had all risen in 
> value  by
> 34% !     And that 34%  rise was only after 3 yrs.    I recently checked 
> carbons that
> I bought new, back in the 70's..still in their wrapper.. and most of em 
> are way on the
> high side..and were never used.

** I recently got an old Command HF-2500 in for service. Not only were the 
filter caps garbage Nichicons withoutout even a temp rating but the metering 
resistors for ~ 2700V were three 2W carbons! This is as built.

> ##  Ok... how does one install the cap that's used to negate the XL  of 
> the MOX
> resistor ?    Do u wire the cap in series with the resistor.. then 
> parallel the entire
> mess with the coil ? .   The  Drake L4B  uses wide cu strap.... no 12 ga 
> wire used.

Lay the coil and resistor side by each (for you Canadians) without 
connecting. Now at both ends install a 100pf 500V silver mica between them. 
This works fine with 1-2 (50-75 Ohms for one, double for a pair) of the 
Mouser Xicon 5W MOX. It does absolute wonders for a Clipperton L using one 
resistor. 1200W key down on 10M for 30-40 seconds with no smoke or Chinese 
tube anode color. I use the 5W for everything as some stuff I work on the 
parasitic does get close to the operating frequency (old glass bottles) but 
Ive never even discolored them. Ive tried 91 and 120pf with no apparent 
change so its rather non critical.

> ##  I used one, real small globar in my hb  3-500z amps  from the 70's. 
> The GS35-B
> doesn't require a suppressor on 6m.  The YC-156 doesn't require a 
> suppressor an any band,
> and neither does the  3CX-3000A7  or  3CX-6000A7.

** I bet some could get them to take off looking at construction practices 

> ##  to reduce the plate load Z on the upper bands of a HF amp.. I typ 
> install a
> .6 uh  coil [  1/4" -3/8" tubing]  between plate block caps  and input to 
> tune cap.   This
> does not appear to promote instability.

** Not that Ive found even with 2X 4-1000A's at 6KV.


> Jim  VE7RF
> -----Original Message-----
> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
> Behalf Of Bill, W6WRT
>> Of course the main L should be very low
>>loss and the complete suppressor should not absorb any of the desired HF
> Not absorb "any" of the desired HF power?
> That is impossible and Carl should know better than to make such a
> statement
> Bill, W6WRT
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