[Amps] New HF amplifier

n8de at thepoint.net n8de at thepoint.net
Sat Jul 31 10:06:21 PDT 2010

Quoting Paul Christensen <w9ac at arrl.net>:

> For USD $3500, that seems a bit risky for me, although I would like to see
> one in person to more closely inspect component quality, machining, circuit
> layout, etc.  In that price range, there's quite a bit of competition.
> Another issue pertains to FCC Certification.  CFR Sec 2.815 and 97.315
> address amplifier certification, including those that are imported.  But
> what's strikingly odd, is the wording under Sec 97.315(b)(3) since 11/2006:
> http://www.hallikainen.com/FccRules/2010/97/315/
> 97.315(b)(3) read together with Sec 2.815 seems to dismiss the certification
> requirement provided that an "external RF power amplifier manufactured or
> imported for the amateur service is...sold to an amateur radio operator or
> to a dealer, the amplifier is purchased in used condition by a dealer, or
> the amplifier is sold to an amateur radio operator for use at that
> operator's station."

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... don't tell anyone about the  
FCC putting this wording in here!


> That's the first time I've really examined that section of 97.315 since it
> was last revised on November, 15, 2006.  2.815 was concurrently changed
> pertaining to 10m operation, but 97.315(b)(3) is a real surprise as
> currently written.   I have to believe the wording did not end up exactly as
> planned.  Otherwise, we've got a logical contradiction in the intent of the
> rule.
> Paul, W9AC
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