[Amps] Peter Dahl / Harbach SB-220 transformer

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Mon Jun 7 07:50:49 PDT 2010

Bill, I installed one here about 3 months ago in an SB-221 (same as  
SB-220)  You need to "make it fit" Does not bolt right up but no big deal  to 
change hole location.  Top screen needs to be cut for relief.   Plate voltage 
the same.  Power output as far as I can see is the  same.  Perhaps a better 
transformer but I did not see any change in  power.  Lou
In a message dated 6/7/2010 10:45:53 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
w5wvo at cybermesa.net writes:

I'm  interested in hearing from anybody who is knowledgeable about the 
SB-220  replacement transformer by Peter Dahl that Harbach is offering --  
specifically, wehether it has significantly higher power capacity than the OEM  
Heathkit transformer and/or a higher voltage output. They also say you have 
to  cut a hole in the inside top cover to accommodate its size, which is not 
a big  deal for me -- but if it isn't a SIGNFICANTLY more powerful 
transformer,  there's no real reason for me to shell out the bucks for one. I guess 
the  short form of the question is: Is this transformer a replacement or an  

Bill  W5WVO
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