[Amps] Centurion plate current issue

Bill, W6WRT dezrat1242 at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 10 10:07:50 PDT 2010


On Thu, 10 Jun 2010 07:47:43 +0800, Alek Petkovic <vk6apk at bigpond.com>

>I believe all current production 3-500Z tubes, apart from Amperex, 
>are made in China so it won't matter much which sort you buy.


I heard not long ago that one brand of 3-500Z has solid filament pins
as opposed to hollow pins that are soldered. If that is true, I would
recommend buying that brand if you can find it. Soldered pins are
notorious for un-soldering themselves over a period of time. 

If anyone has the facts on this, please post.

73, Bill W6WRT

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