[Amps] Heat Measurement in Amps

Patrick Barthelow apolloeme at live.com
Thu Jun 10 11:07:37 PDT 2010


Has anyone found a decent cheap temperature sensor/guage  (perhaps even at harbor freight, etc) that you could place at a specified location in the exhaust airstream of the tubes, of various amps to see and record what is "normal" temp ranges?  Maybe the brain trust here, could search out a standard, cheap temp measurement sensor  (some DVMs have them) and do some testing and publishing of expected exhaust air temps of various amps in various modes, like Low duty cycle (SSB), medium (CW) or high (RTTY) 

If the sensor was IR optical you could also watch temps on transforer cores, with use, and get a database going, on what is "normal".  Or what Manufacturer is really pushing the heat limits on their products.  


A muffin fan on the top (sucking, straight above the chimneys)  of a Drake L-4B in heavy duty contest mode REALLY cools the cabinet, and might do some effective coolings of the critical innards. Same thing with a muffin fan on the perforated cover of the L-4B Power supply....but I dont know if that really cools the transformer core very much.

Best Regards,   
73, de Pat Barthelow AA6EG

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