[Amps] Peter Dahl / Harbach SB-220 transformer

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Fri Jun 11 04:27:04 PDT 2010

In a message dated 6/11/2010 7:10:20 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
jim.thom at telus.net writes:

##   It works good on 80-40- 20-17-15-12-10m.    Heck, it even works very  
on SB-220's... that have been modified for 6m. 
I actually stopped directly grounding the grids on my 6 meter conversions  
to limit the power output (like a governor) once I was able to obtain 
1500PEP  output with indirectly grounded grids.  In the beginning when I was 
looking  for that "missing" power I would purposely ground the grids to boost the 
gain  and the power.  But later when I refined everything and found other 
ways to  obtain the power, I left the grids indirectly grounded. It is 
actually quite  surprising the additional gain you get from directly grounding the 

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