[Amps] Cleaning tubes

Glen Zook gzook at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 17 12:27:45 PDT 2010

Works even better if you put the tube in the freezer or freezing compartment of the refrigerator.  Take it out and IMMEDIATELY breathe on the tube.  If you wait for more than a few seconds the envelope will warm up and you have to start over.

Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com

--- On Thu, 6/17/10, Patrick Barthelow <apolloeme at live.com> wrote:

If you have lost the tube markings on the tube envelope, try this which I remember from years ago.  Put the tube in the refrigerator, cool it down, then bring it into a warm room temp environment.  There will moisture condensing on the glass envelope, which sometimes leaves a readable outline of the tube numbers, which are otherwise no longer readable.


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