[Amps] WD-40 is not....

Ron Youvan ka4inm at tampabay.rr.com
Mon Mar 1 16:01:19 PST 2010

> The primary annoyance here is the hornets circling the tower up to around
> the 70-80' level. They don't appear aggressive but they are out in quantity.
> I'm sort of used to them but others are afraid to climb when they are around.

   I met a tower climber that was setting on a tower doing a path alignment* on a mw dish when a 
wasp flew into his face, he reacted by pulled a 1 1/2" "stiff arm" (that he had a good grip on) into 
his face knocking out his front teeth.  (* pointing)
    Ron KA4INM - I'm proud to be Chuck's pop!

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