[Amps] placement of RF choke bypass cap.

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Fri Mar 19 22:10:33 PDT 2010

Bill, W6WRT wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Mar 2010 22:22:44 -0600, Larry Benko <xxw0qe at comcast.net>
> wrote:
>> 1.) Start with a #10 or #12 self supporting copper wire dipole that is 
>> about 10" each side of the center (Fres ~ 280MHz)
>> 2.) I will solder a 2" dia. thin copper disk to each element at the 1/3 
>> point out from the center on each side and remeasure Fres.
>> 3.) Then I will move the disks to the 2/3 point from the center and 
>> remeasure Fres.
>> Is this reasonable?  I will choke the coax, feed it at right angles to 
>> the dipole and make measurements in my basement with a VNA.  Comments 
>> before I start!
I see one problem with the expected results and I'm not sure how to 
phrase it. Instead of the conductor being a constant diameter you are 
going to add a very short section that is a larger diameter which also 
adds capacity loading.  The formula for resonance then becomes a 
summation for each diameter along the length where i = a to n with a 
being the regular diameter and n being the disk diameter so it's not 
going to just add length, diameter, or capacitance. and I'm at a loss as 
to how to write that out.

IOW the formula is a series of very short antennas added together until 
you get the desired length. All of those antennas but one will have the 
wire diameter while the one man out will have the disk diameter.  
However this still ignores the capacitive loading.


Roger (K8RI)
> Sounds good, but don't forget to also measure with the disk connected
> at its edge as well as its center. The disk adds some capacitance to
> the antenna and lowers it's resonant frequency a bit because of that. 
> 73, Bill W6WRT
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