[Amps] 2A slo blow in step start
James Colville
jimw7ry at gmail.com
Tue Mar 23 21:00:08 PDT 2010
I too have replaced a defective transformer in a 1KD5. I don't remember if
it was the primary or secondary. Either way, it went bad. It was an ECA.
Jim W7RY
On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 11:22 PM, Zeitler, Lane LT, FST-1 <
zeitlel at cpr3.navy.mil> wrote:
> Good question Jim. The two Henry amps I repaired BOTH had shorted xmfr
> windings. This was quite some years ago when I was still a electronics
> tech for the Navy (now an emergency room nurse with an affinity for
> telemetry gear, hhhmmmm). If I recall it was the secondary windings on
> both, of course 100% confirmation achieved with resistance readings with
> them completely out of circuit. They were both ECA and in my opinion
> were not of high quality what so ever. My reference for quality at that
> time though was Navy radar and communication xmtrs and Dahl xmfrs so
> possibly not a fair quality comparison.
> Lane
> Ku7i
> USS Peleliu
> LHA-5
> currently at sea
> -----Original Message-----
> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com]
> On Behalf Of Jim Thomson
> Sent: Sunday, March 21, 2010 9:20 PM
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: [Amps] 2A slo blow in step start
> From: "Zeitler, Lane LT, FST-1" <zeitlel at cpr3.navy.mil>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] 91B problem in Paraguay
> In the past when I have had similar symptoms it was the plate xmfr
> shorted. Both of these instances were Henry desktop amps, one a 1KD-5
> and the other a 2KD-5. You need to start unloading, ie, unload the
> secondary of the plate xmfr and see if it still blows fuses.
> Lane
> Ku7i
> ### Was the FWB rectifier assy shorted.. or just the plate xfmr
> pri/sec ? A shorted fwb would lay a dead short across the sec of
> the plate xfmr. If the xfmr was actually shorted, this makes henry
> radio plate xmfr
> horror story #38 and #39. Henry radio has gone through at least 4-5
> plate xfmr manufacturer's I know of. They dumped ECA on the 8 k
> ultra... and went to someone else... then the 8 k was discontinued.
> Subject: [Amps] 91B problem in Paraguay
> Turned on my hosts amp this morning and tripped the 2amp slow-blow
> fuse...Got more fuses this afternoon and same thing keeps happening.
> ?
> Seemed to shut down normally althought there may have been a problem
> with a sticky T/R relay before turning off the amp.
> ?
> Any ideas what could be causing the 2 amp fuses to blow when turning on
> the switch?
> ## The 2 A slo blow is part of the step start circuitry. If their is
> a short in the sec, or fwb, etc, the 2A fuse will blow. If the step
> start resistor opened up, and the wide open resistor was shorted, the
> 2A fuse would
> also blow.
> Later... Jim VE7RF
> ?
> Thanks
> ?
> Dale ZP6/N3BNA
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