[Amps] Alpha 76/78 front panel 'flag' buttons

James Irving k9jfk at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 24 11:07:48 PDT 2010

Not familiar with the Alpha, but switch and symptoms sound similar to a Dentron MT3000A  antenna tuner  Flag would come all the way out when button depressed, but go back to half when released.

I found the button part of the switch was sliding slightly on the shaft when released  because of wear. Pulled the button off and wrapped a single layer of scotch double sided tape around the square shaft end; about 1/8 inch was left to overhang the front end of shaft.  Fold it to cover the front of shaft facing you.

Hope this helps...

73 - Jim - K9JFK

Message: 4
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2010 00:34:58 -0400
From: Charles Johnson <k4zrj at bellsouth.net>
Subject: [Amps] Alpha 76/78 front panel 'flag' buttons
To: amps at contesting.com
Message-ID: <4BA99672.2030500 at bellsouth.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Does anyone know how to go about repairing one of the front panel 'flag' 
buttons on the Alpha 76/78 amps? My 78 has a green flag on the CW button 
that will only raise about half way. Is there an easy way to remove the 
front of the button for repair and/or inspection? Thanks.
73, Charlie, K4ZRJ


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