[Amps] ripple in B+ supply.

Paul Decker kg7hf at comcast.net
Thu Mar 25 06:56:36 PDT 2010

I have to agree, it makes more sense to me to specify which P-P or  rms .  I know in this context the poster was talking about 50/60 hz , but  I think this is even more important when dealing with non sinusoidal values and/or other ripple values with a non symmetrical duty cycle. 

Paul Decker (KG7HF) 

Second (and most important) I still maintain that saying X% ripple 
without specifying P-P or RMS just leads to the inevitable question 
"Which did you mean?". All I ask is the author specify which. Either 
way is fine as long as I know which is being used. 


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