[Amps] 'good engineering'

Jim Thomson Jim.thom at telus.net
Sat Mar 27 08:26:52 PDT 2010

From: "Bill, W6WRT" <dezrat1242 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2010 6:20 AM
To: "Jim Thomson" <Jim.thom at telus.net>
Cc: <amps at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 'good engineering'

> Wow - touched a nerve on that one, didn't I? Any legally-operating ham
> would just say "Nonsense, I always operate legally" or words to that
> effect. I see nothing remotely like that in your drivel below.

&&&  "nonsense, I always operate legally"   Are you happy now ?
> My comments are interspersed. Jim's quotes start with ##
> Since you asked so nicely, I took one just for you:
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/w6wrt/4466281557/

&&  Nice amp Bill.  Are you sure it only runs the legal limit ?  How many
8877's  are inside?   If that  4:1 balun on your X-7 ever gives you trbl,
Jay at Array solutions has the real deal  for  4:1 baluns.  5/10/20 rated.
They also work good on the old KLM yagi's.

> That's a power meter right next to it. You are probably not familiar
> with this model since it only goes to 3kW, which I have never come
> close to by the way. What do you use? Something the VOA would be proud
> of, no doubt?

&&  I have a rack mount Bird, and also  a CD, model 83000, and also 2 x AS
couplers, and 4 x AS  rack mounted displays.. +   8 x slugs.   My  4 x drake 
all have 0-3 kw pep meter's  built into em.  I have a W-4 as well.
>>## Remember that argument
>>about how a simple tuned input works, and how, without one,  the return
>>current is via the coax shield going back to the xcvr, then up through the
>>load cap of xcvr.. and back down center conductor, back to cathode. You
>>still  don't believe it, even after  Tony King posted the Orr classic 
>>on the other reflector.  I bet you $1000.00  CASH, that's  how it 
>>put up or shut up.
> The Orr Classic diagram proved nothing because the supposed "return
> path" you were so hot about actually ended in mid-air and wasn't
> connected to anything. Remember? Where's my money?

&&  say what?    It ends up back at the cathode, completing the loop, Fig 22
in any orr book.  'Untuned cathode circuit grnd return'.   Cold ends of tune 
+ load
caps... along the chassis, down the braid of coax to exciter... up through 
load cap
of xcvr... down the hot side of the coax..... back to coupling cap... which 
bonds to
cathode, completing the loop.    We  are talking about the 210 deg  pulses 
from the
anode... which are aprx 3 x the dc plate current.  [ IF a PI  tuned input is 
used, the C2
cap of the tuned input, has to handle these pulses.. PLUS normal  current 
from the
xcvr. ]

&&  Bill, it appears you have missed the basic concept of how a GG amp 
Perhaps a review of Ch 15 is in order.   RF  just doesn't.. ..'end up in mid 
>>##You vanish into thin air for a while... and come over to AMPS.
> I was a charter member of ham_amps, but the illegal-amp crap from you
> CB rejects finally got to be too much. I came to this reflector to be
> with some hams who have respect for the rules.

&&&  why did you leave AMPS.. in the 1st place.... to get away from the
SB-200 table top stuff ?

 But then you came.
> Arrrrrrgh.  I do notice you have toned down your illegal-amp rhetoric
> a lot on this reflector. How come? A little chat with the moderator
> perhaps? Or just a guilty conscience?

&&&  Neither.  No pix on this  reflector, too bad.   I did learn something 
though.  My HV caps are the eq of 1.2  sticks of dynamite.. and not to be 

>>Now ur spewing BS, about how RF  bores right through solid 1/8" AL.
> Proven by two independent experiments with copper sheet, not aluminum
> and it never was about anything 1/8" thick. Pay attention.

&&  depth of penetration is  .05mm  on 160m... and .01mm on 10m.  Sez so, in 
RF software package.
There are a LOT of holes  surrounding the tube /socket.  Has to be... to get 
the pressurized
air  from below chassis.. to above chassis.

>>Very few in the uk-zl-vk-zs  land obey their 400w  rule.  Nobody in Italy
>>obeys their 300w  rule.   Would you ?   How  come  20 kw ERP is ok...
>>with stacked yagi's  on big tower's ?
> Earlier in your post you said you never justify your bad behavior by
> pointing to other's bad behavior. What do you call the above?

&&&   stupid, not well thought out... rules.   Actually, I think they are 
like 'guidelines'.      How much ERP  do you have ?    Hope it's not more
than 1.5 kw.

>>##   There is almost 600
>>of us on the yahoo amp reflector.... how come you left ?
> Lids like you, as mentioned previously.

&&&  75% of the folks over there.. are also over here as well.

> >##Where's my  $1000.00 ??  Would
>>you like to bet another $1000.00 cash that RF won't pass through 1/8" 
>>thick  AL plate.
> I never agreed to any bet, but if you insist, I'd say you owe me $2k.
> CBA is fine, thanks.

&&  actually, I could use the $2k.    The new  6' x 6' x 9'  block of 6000 
psi  concrete
will  cost that much.  Do you think you could get it to me  b4  the  15th of 
next month?

later... Jim   VE7RF

> 73, Bill W6WRT

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