[Amps] B&W PT-2500A HF Amplifier

Zeitler, Lane LT, FST-1 zeitlel at cpr3.navy.mil
Tue Mar 23 21:41:45 PDT 2010

Funny you mention the Yokogawa. I bought one as a project amp a few yrs
back from Mark Ke9pq. If you have never checked out his site he has neat
stuff for sale. Google his call for his website. Anyways, I still have
the Yokogawa. It is at that point where I restore it to operational
status as an HL2K (which it really is) or continue to use it for parts.
It has a very robust tank ckt that is professionally done, stuff you
don't see very often anymore except for maybe the high end Command amps
and the like. The original plate xmfr was fried and was like that when I
bought it, disclosed prior to sale. For now it just sits on the shelf
waiting for a future project to begin. Thought abt making it a 160
monobander too, maybe some day.


-----Original Message-----
From: Carl [mailto:km1h at jeremy.mv.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 3:14 PM
To: Zeitler, Lane LT, FST-1; Amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] B&W PT-2500A HF Amplifier

Yep, Ive seen those in person. The B&W used a massive RSC (now Multi
Industries) Model 86 switch, chimneys, and a healthy transformer.
160-10M and 1800-2000W out on all bands. I sold about 20-25 as a
and had a pair of very early models that I did the redesign work on as 
loaners for a few years of contesting.

There is also the Yokagawa P9306 industrial amp that many have


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Zeitler, Lane LT, FST-1" <zeitlel at cpr3.navy.mil>
To: "Carl" <km1h at jeremy.mv.com>; <Gary at ka1j.com>; <Amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 7:04 PM
Subject: RE: [Amps] B&W PT-2500A HF Amplifier

Sigma made a 3-500Z amp in the late 70's/early 80's that was very well
done. They apparently did not import many to the states b/c you rarely
see them for sale. I had one about 15 yrs ago, the weak link was the
bandswitch. It was also an absolute nightmare to service.

Tokyo-Hy Power used to make a "HL2K" that ran a pair of 3-500Zs. It too
was very well done. Not very easy to service either.


-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Carl
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 12:08 PM
To: Gary at ka1j.com; Amps at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Amps] B&W PT-2500A HF Amplifier

Viewstar was Hammond and since they couldnt crack the US market they
approached B&W.

The Pi-L tank had a few problems causing lots of smoke and that was
Its the best of the 3-500 amps but its high price limited sales and it


> Tony,
> I gave my Dad what I believe was the original version of that Amp,
> the Viewstar PT-2500A made in Scarsborough, Ontario. He uses it
> daily. I've been so wrong before but I think B&W bought the amp
> design from Viewstar.
> If you can scan those pages I'd like a copy of them myself.
> Thanks,
> Gary
> KA1j
>> Cleaning out here and came across the "73 Magazine" review of the
>> amplifier (3 pages).  If you have this amp and would like this
>> copy review, I'll be happy to send it along to you.
>> 73
>> Tony, W4FOA
>> Watch your thoughts; they become words.
>> Watch your words; they become actions.
>> Watch your actions; they become habits.
>> Watch your habits; they become character.
>> Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.
>>                             -Frank Outlaw
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