[Amps] 'Radio Transmitters" by Stoke

Zeitler, Lane LT, FST-1 zeitlel at cpr3.navy.mil
Sun Mar 28 08:35:48 PDT 2010

Was this a book made in the 60's? I have never heard of this. I have a
half dozen or so of SAI's handbooks and another half dozed by ARRL over
about 4 decades. This book by Stokes is new to me.


-----Original Message-----
From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Jim Thomson
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2010 5:05 AM
To: amps at contesting.com
Subject: [Amps] (no subject)

Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2010 19:49:30 -0700
From: "Bill, W6WRT" <dezrat1242 at yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: [Amps] 'good engineering'

On Sat, 27 Mar 2010 21:35:13 -0400, "Gary Schafer"
<garyschafer at comcast.net> wrote:

>I think that Bill needs to do a lot of reading. Orr's book is an
>In his chapter on amplifiers he specifically spells out what happens to
>cathode current of a GG amp when no tuned input circuit is employed. He
>describes how the cathode current follows the coax cable out to the
>and back. If Orr is not believable have a look at some of the Collins
>As to RF passing thru the chassis, again turning to Orr will explain it
>detail of how RF does not pass thru the chassis metal but thru holes in


So THAT is where all this voodoo comes from! 

I wonder what Orr would have thought of the disk experiment we just
did. Twice.

You are right though, I will have to GET ONE OF HIS BOOKS. Like I
said, several people have quoted him saying a GG amp is a phase
inverting amp. I don't doubt the quoters but I would like to read that

I'll be back.  :-)

73, Bill W6WRT

##  Bill, are  u saying you don't have an ORR  book ??????   I think you
can still buy
the latest edition that came out.... before he passed away.   It's
Hardcover.. and it's blue.   23rd  edition    1987.  5th printing was
1992    I bought mine in 1994. 
ISBN # 0-672-22424-0 

##  What other books don't you have ???    We are going to get the
infamous VO Stokes book
onto the files section of the ham_amps yahoo reflector, but it will  be
in 2 x PDF's.  Now,
if we could take the stokes book.. and  do a spread sheet of his  tubing
coil data, you would
have the ultimate, bar none, tubing coil  winding info.   Normal coil
formulae won't work on tubing
coils. [that was a hint to Ian]  Stokes covers tubing from 1/32" up to
2"  It has cool stuff... like exact
uh  vs tubing diam... for a straight piece of tubing [ no coil].. which
comes in handy  for designing
hair pins  for hf yagi's.   

##  and yes, the output of a GG amp is 180 deg out of phase with the
input.  The 2 x are in series. 

## The stokes book is called.... 'radio transmitter's.... RF power
amplification'   190 pages 
##  Orr's book is 400-600 pages. 
##  between those 2 x books alone.. is a huge wealth of info.   There is
stuff in the stokes
book, that you won't see any where else. 

later...... Jim  VE7RF 
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