[Amps] unbuilt SB-220 on Ebay.... WHY?

Carl km1h at jeremy.mv.com
Tue Mar 30 09:44:56 PDT 2010

>> I have one here in Medford, Oregon, unpacked and complete with original 
>> xfmr
>> as well.  Will sell it for $1600.00 plus shipping this week only!   Van,
>> K7VS
> WHY?!?
> would anyone want to buy a brand new SB220 without mods for more than 
> $700?
> to make it work well, you need to replace the txfmr with a Peter Dahl or
> equivalent then put in all the mods which Measures and Harbach have come 
> up
> with... all of that can add another $800???

Dont get me going on some of those mods! Accidents waiting to happen.



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