[Amps] unbuilt SB-220 on Ebay.... WHY?

Roger sub1 at rogerhalstead.com
Tue Mar 30 12:24:05 PDT 2010

chas wrote:
> Van K7VS wrote:
>> I have one here in Medford, Oregon, unpacked and complete with original xfmr 
>> as well.  Will sell it for $1600.00 plus shipping this week only!   Van, 
>> K7VS 
> WHY?!?
> would anyone want to buy a brand new SB220 without mods for more than $700?
The Key here is "unbuilt" and in the "original box". IOW it's a truly 
rare collectors item.  Put it together and it's worth less than half of 
what it is as a box of parts.

That was why I wondered why the ARRL assembled that Viking  Ranger they 
discovered stashed away some where.  That was *really* rare and would 
have made a nice addition as a small fortune to their coffers.


Roger (K8RI)

> to make it work well, you need to replace the txfmr with a Peter Dahl or 
> equivalent then put in all the mods which Measures and Harbach have come up 
> with... all of that can add another $800???  to the amp before you have 
> something that works as well as what I have which really needs only one 
> thing... a new face plate.  It out performs the stock unit by a great amount 
> or so I am told.
> After getting a new, unbuilt kit, the tubes will have to be vacuumed down by 
> slowly heating them and driving off the air that has seeped into them. Odds 
> are the caps, etc are bad and will need replacement. yada, yada...
> WHY would anyone want to buy anything other than what I have which I 
> purchased for the equivalent of less than $1,000?  depending on how you value 
> the trades, etc I made.  iow, a rebuilt 811H  plus $200 or $300.
> These used and modified SB220s can be found almost anywhere people are 
> trading them in for a solid state or other amp which is felt to be an upgrade 
> to their station.
> fwiw
> chas

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