[Amps] unbuilt SB-220 GONE!

donroden at hiwaay.net donroden at hiwaay.net
Tue Mar 30 22:02:10 PDT 2010

I'll "unbuild" a KWM-2A if the price is right .

Quoting N7KA at comcast.net:

> At those prices I can envision every SB-220 owner doing the  
> reverse,  un-building their amps, cleaning them thoroughly,  and  
> selling them as a kit.
> I do have one Heathkit unbuilt kit I got from an elderly gentleman  
> who was cleaning house a few years back.  Model IO-12 5"  
> Oscilloscope.  I could not pass it up for the price he set.
> Arne N7KA
> ----- "Van K7VS" <wa7fab at cdsnet.net> wrote:
>> You guys are really funny.  I sold it!  I think I detected a bit of jealousy
>> and envy in some of those posts.  I love it.
>> Van, K7VS
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