[Amps] Homebrew Amplifier Building and Cabinets

James Colville jimw7ry at gmail.com
Sun May 2 14:09:53 PDT 2010

I have added pictures of the power supply of my home-brew 8877 amplifier
project. Easy construction.

I used aluminum angle and aluminum flat plates. I purchased the flat plate
cut to size at Metal Supermarkets http://www.metalsupermarkets.com/  I also
got the angle there too. I cut the angle with an aluminum cutting blade in
my table saw. I think the blade was about $80.00. It cuts super smooth!  I
could have cut the aluminum sheet too but bought the blade after I bought
the pieces already cut.

The advantage of getting all the pieces cut to YOUR SIZE, is you can make
the cabinets the size YOU want it to be.

Pictures:   http://s900.photobucket.com/albums/ac206/w7ry/8877%20Amplifier/


Jim W7RY

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