[Amps] 5CX1500A

Jim Barber audioguy at charter.net
Thu May 6 16:03:26 PDT 2010

No, unfortunately he didn't. ;-)

Jim, N7CXI

Jeff Blaine AC0C wrote:
> Jim,
> Did the esteemed author of that series happen to voice an opinion as to 
> what would be the "best of all possible worlds for ham service?"  Now 
> that would be an interesting discussion.
> 73/jeff/ac0c
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "Jim Barber" <audioguy at charter.net>
> Sent: Thursday, May 06, 2010 3:20 PM
> Cc: <amps at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [Amps] 5CX1500A
>> A text-searchable DVD set returns:
>> "Notes on the Eimac 5CX1500A power pentode"
>> Arthur Reis, K9XI
>> Ham Radio, August 1980, pp61,62
>> Text-only article, mostly anecdotal notes
>> - article describes some early production problems with tubes made
>> between 1975 and 1979 (check your date code)
>> - author recommends loading tube as heavily as possible (!?) and not
>> exceeding 6000 ohms plate impedance
>> - typical cautions on *not* bumping filament voltage to try to increase
>> emission. (note the author claims 0.25V over-voltage will reduce life by
>> half!)
>> - author claims Henry used the tube in their 4K model
>> - overall, author was rather lukewarm about using the tube in amateur
>> service. Nothing stated about IMD performance.
>> "The 5CX1500A may not be the best of all possible worlds for linear
>> amplification in the Amateur service"
>> HTH,
>> Jim, N7CXI
>> Chris Pedder wrote:
>>> While I cannot pretend that my search was comprehensive, the only
>>> 'similar' thing I could find was a 4CX1500B amplifier described by
>>> W6HHN on page 56 of the April 1971 issue. I could find nothing on the 
>>> 5CX1500A.
>>> Perhaps somebody else can do better.
>>> Best wishes,
>>> Chris G3VBL
>>> At 18:39 06/05/2010, Patrick Barthelow wrote:
>>>> If you can find someone's digital files copies of HAM RADIO
>>>> MAGAZINE, they did a feature article about the 5 CX-1500A sometime I
>>>> think in the Mid 80s.
>>>> Best Regards,
>>>> 73, de Pat Barthelow AA6EG
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