[Amps] High Power Parts

Bob Sullivan robert at isquare.com
Thu May 20 16:53:18 PDT 2010


I have a couple of RCA BTA-1R1 BC transmitters that are left over from a restoration job. There are lots of parts remaining. Anyone that is close to Great Falls, VA is welcome to visit and see what might be of interest. Prices will be cheap! Meters, transformers, large coils and capacitors, terminal strips, diode boards, relays, etc etc .... including a VERY large HV transformer!

Sorry, but I don't have the time to remove components and ship. I'll try to answer questions.

I also have a few additional large chokes, transformers, etc., that might be of interest. 

This might be a good way to pick up some parts for that big amplifier project. Hi.

Here's the completed job:

73, Bob

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