[Amps] Heath copyright

Cecil Acuff chacuff at cableone.net
Fri May 21 08:48:34 PDT 2010

I think we should copyright this thread...so maybe it won't be duplicated 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sam Carpenter" <sam at owenscommunication.com>
To: "'k7fm'" <k7fm at teleport.com>; <amps at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 10:16 AM
Subject: Re: [Amps] Heath copyright

> Well said. The lack of these protections would stifle innovation,
> creativity, and problem solving. There must be a Carrot.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: amps-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:amps-bounces at contesting.com] On
> Behalf Of k7fm
> Sent: Friday, May 21, 2010 10:45 AM
> To: amps at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [Amps] Heath copyright
> I think we have worn out the copyright issue, but I have one comment.
> A copyright is a grant to the creator by the government to protect the
> effort of the creation.  It is no different than the government allowing 
> the
> finder of a gold mine to patent the claim.  So, a miner uses his effort to
> find a gold mine.  Finally, after years of searching, he hits it big.  He
> patents the claim and then owns it outright and can pass the wealth he
> created to his children.  No one calls the miner a cheat, or the 
> government
> a cheat for protecting the miner.
> Well, instead of mining, George Gershwin sat down and wrote "Rhapsody in
> Blue".  That was his gold mine and the government granted him the right to
> protect it and pass the royalties of it to his children.  I am assuming 
> few
> people have a problem with that.  United Air Lines purchased the rights to
> use it many years ago.  So, this same rule applies to any copyright.  It
> makes no difference whether the copyright is owned by a company (Disney) 
> or
> and individual.  It is a right to protect the genius and work-product of 
> the
> creator.
> In the case of Heath, when they sold the product, they had a contract with
> the purchaser.  In addition to the kit, they furnished a nice detailed
> manual and provided support for a number of years.  They fulfilled their
> obligation to the purchaser.  That was 40 or 50 years ago.  Things changed
> and Heath no longer sells electronic kits.  They are still a viable 
> company
> and sold one of their assets - the copyright to many of their manuals. 
> They
> had long ago fulfilled their obligation to the original purchaser.
> What some hams have argued is that Heath had an obligation to provide the
> manuals forever to anyone who wanted them - they did not even restrict the
> argument to the original purchaser.  How many of you, when you purchased
> your last car, insisted that a workshop manual be supplied?  How many of 
> you
> believe that when you buy a car an entire workshop manual should be 
> supplied
> online?
> If you think you have life tough, think about antique aircraft restorers.
> If it is a certified aircraft, the owner can make a part - but he cannot
> simply replicate a part based upon the existing part which is being
> replaced.  Nope.  That is not legal.  He must buy a copy of the original
> blueprint, then make a copy from the blueprints, which can then be a
> certified part.  My 1973 aircraft needed repair and the factory in Germany
> said to send the part over so it could be repaired at the factory.  Except
> the part was the fuselage frame.  They have no workshop manual available.
> No blueprints.  Nothing.  I repaired it, but had to go through a lot of
> hoops to get it back in the air.  Ha, I wish I could have purchased a nice
> manual for it.
> And, as for rip offs.  I bought a non-working digital signal generator at 
> a
> swap meet for $25.  I then found the company was still in business and
> called them to get a manual for it.  The lady said they had no manuals but
> did have photocopies.  I asked her if she could send me the photocopy and
> bill me.  She then told me the price of $520 for the photocopy.  I choked
> and ungracefully declined the purchase.  The company is a military 
> supplier.
> The bizarre thing is that the manual was already in the public domain
> because it was a military contract.  I found a ham willing to copy a
> slightly different model and got mine going again.  Now, that was a 
> rip-off.
> So, I have no problem with having to buy a Heath manual.  Just hum a few
> bars of Rhapsody in Blue and be happy.
> 73,  Colin  K7FM
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