[Amps] Questions from a beginner

Jeff Carter amps at hidden-valley.com
Mon Oct 4 19:52:19 PDT 2010

Well, I can tell you what I did when I was exactly where you are now.

Since I had never done this before, I thought the simplest thing to do
was to build a Heathkit SB-220.  It seemed to me that once upon a time
in Hamdom building an amp was almost a rite of passage, and there were
people who had seen and done every possible mistake that could be made
with a SB-220, not to mention a huge body of literature out there on
the subject if you're an isolated Amateur Radio person like I am
(rural area, few other hams) and need to consult a book.

In addition to the literature, the original Heathkit construction
manuals are still out there, literally taking you step-by-step through
the process.  I bought about four non-working SB-220 chassis and took
the best of the four literally down to the metal and brought it back
to function.

If you want to see what the process looked like, check out
http://www.kd4rbg.com and if you do build an amp, you should take
pictures and put them out there for others, it really helped me to
look at what others had done.

Good luck,

On Mon, Oct 4, 2010 at 7:32 PM, Eric Mynes <kc8wzb at gmail.com> wrote:
> Evening all,
> I'm new to building amps.  So, I'll tell you want I would like to do
> and see what help/ideas I could build.  I have an Icom IC-703+ radio
> that will be here in a few days.  I intend on using it mobile most of
> the time, but when I'm home, I'd like to use it for 20m and 40m SSB.
> I no preferrence for tube nor solid state.  I have both type of rigs
> and like to use each.  I know nothing about building an amp.  One that
> covers 20-80m would be great.  Any suggestions or points that I should
> know.
> Thanks and 73,
> Eric
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