[Amps] OT Ebay Bidding - Auto Bid

Gudguyham at aol.com Gudguyham at aol.com
Fri Oct 8 15:35:35 PDT 2010

In a message dated 10/8/2010 5:56:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
flymooney at gmail.com writes:

I don't  understand why everyone gets so mad at the "snipers". I always 
just bid  the maximum amount I want to pay and leave it at that. If 
someone outbids  me at the last minute, then who cares? It is more than I 
wanted to pay  anyway.

Absolutely correct!!!  Often times however you will lose the item for  the 
next highest bid increment which usually is not that much that you would  
have minded paying.  The problem is in many cases someone else may have bid  
MUCH MORE than the next bid increment and won it anyway.  In reality you  
would have had to bid much more than the next bid increment.  Did you ever  
wonder why "sometimes" an item on EBAY would sell for much more than the going  
price?  Mainly because 2 or more people want to make sure they get the item 
 so they figure they will bid like $100.00 more than what it would normally 
sell  for and they feel confident they will win it for a fraction of the  
$100.00.  Then some comes along and bids $125.00 more.  Now that  bidder pays 
$100.00+ more than he may have anticipated.  He wins it, but  pays dearly 
and the seller makes out like a bandit.  Lou

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