[Amps] Which LDG Autotuner for Amp Input?

N1BUG paul at n1bug.com
Sat Oct 9 04:24:34 PDT 2010

Lee Buller wrote:
> But, I picked up the ARRL Handbook this morning on the way to the "reading room" 
> and saw a project that used a commercial auto tuner to do the job of the input 
> matching.  It is an LDG autotuner they sell without a box.

This isn't in any of the Handbooks I happen to own. I tried looking 
on LDG's web site but found no autotuner without a box. Maybe it is 
a special order item? Does anyone have more info on this?

I am looking for some way to get better SWR on my homebrew amp 
input, and make it more consistent across all bands. It is a 
homebrew cathode driven 4CX1500B and I have no real idea what the 
tube input impedance is. I opearate 99.9% CW so an autotuner might 
be an attractive option *if* I can fit it in the box.

Paul N1BUG

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