[Amps] HV rectifier strings - to bypass or not?

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Sat Oct 30 13:46:26 PDT 2010

> I'm getting ready to lay out the HV rectifier board for my YC156 
> project, and it occurs to me to wonder if anyone has ever really heard 
> HV rectifier "white noise" in the receiver? It would be simpler to 
> forget about the per-diode bypass caps and just bypass the output as it 
> leaves the board. The supply will be housed in a separate cabinet from 
> the RF deck, but connected of course with bypassed leads for HV, (SHV 
> connectors) 110VAC and control signals.
I thought the reason for capacitors and resistors paralleled with the 
series diodes was to help equalize the voltage division across the 
diodes, and reduce the chances of an unequal voltage division, exceeding 
the voltage rating of one of the diodes. I did not think it was for 
noise reduction. I had also heard that it was more important with 
earlier manufactured diodes, due to lower voltage ratings and not quite 
as good matching from one diode to another. With more modern production 
diodes the voltage division tended to be more equal, reducing the need 
for the resistors and capacitors.


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