[Amps] Amp Supply information

n8de at thepoint.net n8de at thepoint.net
Fri Sep 3 06:41:15 PDT 2010

Denny Had is now W4USR, and never was associated with Ameritron.

You might be able to get info on Amp Supply amplifiers from W8JI, who  
was chief tech at Dentron over 30 years ago.


Quoting Dave M <slash_dot at msn.com>:

> Mike , I just aquired an Amp Supply LK-500NTB as well , , I am QUITE  
>  impressed by the construction but as you say documentation is hard   
> to find , ie: any circuit improvements , mods etc.... Amp SUpply was  
>  founded by Denny Had, W2USR I beleive is his current call , of   
> Ameritron and of course Dentron fame ,  from my limited , (4days)   
> use of the amp , I am quite happy with the purchase
> ......................................................................................................
>> Date: Fri, 3 Sep 2010 05:45:52 -0700
>> From: w4mja at yahoo.com
>> To: amps at contesting.com
>> Subject: [Amps] Amp Supply information
>> Hello All,    Being a newer ham than some (licensed in 2005), I   
>> don't know some of the history of companies that have come and   
>> gone. I've got an Amp Supply LK-500NTC, and have tried   
>> unsuccessfully to find information on what type of company Amp   
>> Supply was.     Can anyone tell me if they were known for producing  
>>  quality amps? What their typical pricing on amplifiers were? Was  
>> it  a working man's amp or something that those with deep pockets  
>> could  only afford? Are they rare at all?    If anyone could direct  
>> me to  maybe a QST or CQ advertisement that they might have taken  
>> out, I'd  appreciate it.
>> Thanks for all the help,
>> Mike Almeter
>> W4MJA
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