[Amps] SHV connectors great, but where to find coax?

David Kirkby david.kirkby at onetel.net
Sat Sep 11 02:40:55 PDT 2010

On 11 September 2010 04:44, Carl Clawson <carlclawson at verizon.net> wrote:
> I've enjoyed all the back and forth over HV connectors on this group. I've
> become quite positive towards SHV connectors but for one thing: where do you
> find short lengths of HV rated coax? As far as I've been able to find, you
> can't buy less than 1000 feet at a time.
> The DC dielectric strength of polyethylene being on the order of 20 kV/mm, I
> suspect that the rated stuff is not very different from ordinary everyday
> coax except for testing and qualification, but I just feel better using
> components withing their specifications when I can.
> 73, Carl WS7L
You don't need anything other than "standard" coax. By that I mean,
whatever the manufacturer of the plus says. It'sits RG/59, use that.
You need to cut the coax how they say too.

I would certainly not decide to use a PTFE coax - use what they are
designed for. I'm not saying PTFE coax wont work, but what I am saying
is they would have been extensively tested with the right coax.

If you don't have the installation instructions, then I suggest you
get them. I expect you can find them on the web. If the worst comes to
the worst, I probably have the instructions for one.

As a matter of interest, what are people paying for SHV connectors?


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