[Amps] SHV connectors great, but where to find coax?
Dr. David Kirkby
david.kirkby at onetel.net
Tue Sep 14 03:51:13 PDT 2010
On 09/13/10 05:46 PM, DAVE WHITE wrote:
> "The Engineering Council in the UK would I expect strip someone of
> their CEng status if an individual proposed such silly things."
> But let's face it, the UK is becoming just about the most laughable example of the socialist Nanny State taken to the most extreme interpretation of the concept. I doubt if Henry V and Winston Churchill are turning in their graves when they see modern Britain, I'm sure that they're spinning like steam turbines.
> This is the country where the Elf'n'Safety nazis (including rooms full of overpaid, interfering, sanctimonious buffoons like the Engineering Council) invade every aspect of our lives. I say Bollocks to the lot of them. If I want to build an HT lead with a PL259 on the end of it, then that's what I'll damn well do and I personally will take the risk. If I plug one end into the 6kV supply and the other into my right nostril then that's my own fault and my own responsibility, right?
> Dave G0OIL (not SK, amazingly)
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