[Amps] Alpha vs. Henry

Damon Stewart wsmc551 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 3 09:51:35 PDT 2011

On 4/3/2011 9:32 AM, Rob Atkinson wrote:
> <<<I owned a Henry 5K Classic X with a pair of 8877's.  Bought it new from
> Henry in 2000.  Very good amp but when pushed the tuned input plate
> choke would start to scream.>>>
> What's a "tuned input plate choke?"  I get "tuned input" and I get
> "plate choke" but I'm not getting two in one.
> tnx
> Rob
> K5UJ
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Sorry,  maybe I didn't use the proper terminology.   The HV power supply 
in the Henry used a oil filled cap and a large input choke (looks like 
another large transformer).   After a brief search looks like I should 
have said "Input Choke".

Damon Stewart, KJ7E

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